Overflow Out


Shows how many calls have overflowed from a selected Hunt Group to another. Drag and drop the widget to your chosen position on the Lower Widget View and select the "Out From" and "In To" Hunt Groups you require


Lets you see where queuing calls have overflowed to another Hunt Group when the call has queued beyond your defined overflow limits. Enables you to effectively plan your resources and spread the incoming call workload

Questions it will answer

How many calls are overflowing from your HuntGroup and where to?

Hunt group and time period selection

The Overflow Out Widget on each of your Manager Dashboards can report on your own choice of Hunt Groups and Time Periods

  • Right Click on the Widget view to select the Hunt Groups you wish to display, as well as the Totals
  • Click on the Time Period button at the bottom of the view to display data over the last Hour, Day, Working Week, 7 Days, 30 Days or 3 Months
  • Double Click to access the Report Generator for your choice of Hunt Group and Time Period

Overflow Out Widget