Time Period

HuntGroup View uses some common navigation techniques:

Period buttons
  • Select the Time Period for a particular View
  • The Dashboard allows you to select a different Time Period for each view
IconTime Period DisplayedResolution
1HThe current hour (e.g. 11:00 - 12:00)Hours
1DThe current day, including the current hourHours
WWThe days of the configured working week, including the current dayDays
7HThe previous 7 calendar days, including the current dayDays
30DThe previous 30 calendar days, including the current dayDays
3MThe previous 13 calendar weeks, including the current dayWeeks
1Y*The current year (from January 1st), including the current dayMonths

In the Reports Generator, the resolution of the displayed data is determined by the same criteria as above, with the additional periods (marked with an asterisk) that do not appear in the widgets.