User View

User View widget


The User View in Combined View shows the total number of calls handled by the users in your selected Hunt Groups over a particular time period. The parameters for Short and Long calls can be configured in the System Wide Settings

The User View in Outgoing View shows the number of calls, Average and Total Talk Times as well as Short and Long Calls. The parameters for Short and Long calls can be configured in the System Wide Settings

The User View in Incoming View shows number of calls, Average and Total Talk Times


It provides you with a "league table" of how many Answered and Outgoing calls your users have handled. The view is updated in real time and can be sorted by clicking on the column headers. This information will show who is making or receiving the most calls and can be used for individual or team performance reviews

Questions it will answer

How many calls are being handled?
Who is making and answering the most calls?
Who is spending the most time on calls?
Is our average call time in line with our expectations?
Are the calls of sufficient length to meet your service requirements?
Who is your top performer over the last day, week, etc?

Hunt group and time period selection

The User View on each of your Manager Dashboards can report on your own choice of Hunt Groups and Time Periods

  • Right Click on the User View window to select the Hunt Groups you wish to display
  • Right Click on the User View window to select which “View” - Incoming, Outgoing etc. you want to focus on
  • Click on the Time Period button at the bottom of the view to display data over the last Hour, Day, Working Week, 7 Days, 30 Days or 3 Months
  • Double Click to access the User Call Activity report via the Report Generator with your choice of Hunt Group and Time Period